Here’s the latest audio from MAKE Magazine! In this Make audio show, we interview Gordon Kruberg & Craig Hughes from gumstix, makers of the the smallest commercially available Linux computers! Right click or Control + click to download this MP3 to your local system. iTunes: Click this link and click SUBSCRIBE or try this this pcast link to download and subscribe the latest MAKE audio show. ODEO: Click here for our Odeo Channel (beta) or just add the MAKE Audio feed to your podcasting application. Show notes after the jump…
Hosted by: Phillip Torrone, Associate Editor MAKE Magazine.
Show details: 27 minutes, 13MB, MP3.
Links and more from the show…
Here’s the latest audio from MAKE Magazine! In this Make audio show, we interview Gordon Kruberg & Craig Hughes from gumstix, makers of the the smallest commercially available Linux computers!
Gumstix offers the smallest commercially available Linux computer. Because gumstix products are nearly half the price and a third of the size of competitors, gumstix enables software developers to create smaller and more price conscious products for the growing Linux market.
Forrester Research states that Linux and open source is now a mainstream competitor in the IT world, as cost-sensitive IT execs discover Linux on Intel’s compelling economics. According to Forrester, smart CIOs now set aside the religious wars to see the truth: open source is good enough for many data center tasks.
With significant growth expected in the IAD market, increasing demands within the SBC market, and the growth of the open source industry, gumstix recognizes the need for low-cost open source post-pc systems and peripherals.
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The MAKE audio program was made on an iMac G5 with Skype, AudioHijack Pro, GarageBand and Audacity.