Hooray! MAKE just hit the quarter-million subscriber mark on YouTube. Born in 2006, the MAKE YouTube channel is the definitive DIY channel showcasing projects and tutorials from the best how-to producers. We publish several videos per week to satisfy your appetite for macro-lens making, from Collin’s circuit skills to the gadgets of Sylvia’s dreams. We’re so proud of this milestone, cheers to more videos to come! We’re at 90 million total views and counting…
New to the MAKE video family are the quickly growing CRAFT and Maker Faire channels. We always welcome your feedback and suggestions for video through comments or through email: videos@makezine.com
Here are some of my favorites, to convince you to subscribe to our channel (if you’re not already):
- Enough Already: Silencing Celebs with Arduino – How Tos with Matt Richardson
- Drifting Robot Car – The Latest in Hobby Robotics
- Atari Punk Console – Collin’s Lab
- “The Blue Crab” One-Sheet Plywood Boat – Tiny Yellow House
- Super Awesome Sylvia Shows How to Build the LOL Shield Kit
- TV-B-Gone Jacket – Becky’s Workshop