Here’s the 15th episode of MAKE‘s podcast, Make: Talk!
Our maker this week is Matthew Borgatti. Matthew makes so many things it’s hard to even begin to describe it all: musical instruments, science fiction-themed jewelry, folded paper creations, realistic passports to hackerspaces, ceramic “brass knuckles,” and on and on. This was a really great interview, and I’m sure you are going to enjoy it. Here’s a terrific page of information Matthew created for listeners of this podcast.
In the show, I also talk a bit about the new issue of MAKE, Vol 30, which is available on newsstands now and by subscription. We’ve got a great line up of projects in this issue, including how-to’s on making indestructable LED Torches, an electronic Magic 8 Box Fortune Teller, all sorts of home automation projects, and our cover story — a very easy to make and fun to fly remote control stunt flyer.