MAKE: Television & Project submissions

Coming soon!!! MAKE TV! The video (above) is a preview!

Each week, Make: television will showcase the best projects from Makers who submit their videos, a segment of the show we call Maker Channel.

This segment features the videos made by Makers themselves – a showcase of the “best of the best” of YouTube-style videos. We think this is a great way to see the people behind the projects and we feel it’s important to give a little control of the show back to the viewer. To do this, we need your help!

If you’ve built something inspired, useful, imaginative, ingenious, or just plain clever, share your genius with the world. Produce a one to three minute long video that shows the best thing that you’ve made and send it to us. If it’s really good, we’ll use it on Maker Channel and you’ll revel in glory and admiration, plus you’ll receive a gift certificate to the Maker Shed and a subscription to Make: magazine.

More details at the MAKE: Television & project submissions page!

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