Maker Faire Austin: "auditions" this Sunday!

Maker Faire Austin: "auditions" this Sunday!

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Here’s a reminder from David

Maker Faire will descend on Austin on October 20-21 at the Travis County Fairgrounds. It’s our first full-blown Maker Faire outside of the Bay Area and it’s sure to be a DIY extravaganza of tech, science, art, craft, and family fun. Are you a maker or crafter who would like to show off your project at the Faire? The call for makers is now open with proposals due by midnight, August 15. Also, we’ll be hosting a Maker Faire “audition” this Sunday, July 15, at Austin Children’s Museum from 1pm to 5pm. To request a 15-minute post, email Maker Faire director Sherry Huss at

Maker Faire – Link.

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