We’re getting closer and closer to the day that the gates of World Maker Faire New York open and start one of my favorite weekends of the year. Do you have your tickets yet? It’s not too late to head to MakerFaire.com to pick yours up. If you’re a Digital Fabrication fan, World Maker Faire New York is always the faire for you.
In years past, numerous companies have used the premiere East Coast Maker Faire as a place to launch their new products and give their customers a first look or a deeper dive into their offerings. This year looks like it’s playing out to be no different. Below we’ve created a list of some of the companies and creations you can look forward to running into at the faire.
The Prusa team has been on a roll. They scooped up the top spots in our annual 3D Printer Shootout, the past 2 years in a row, they helped launch their home town of Prague’s first Maker Faire, and they just launched their new MMU2 for multi-material printing. They announced their I3 MK3 at last year’s faire, who knows what might be coming from them this year?
Omax has been a leader in waterjet technology for the past 25 years. Recently they released their own desktop sized waterjet. Come see the Protomax at work, with a machine that can cut almost anything, who knows what they might be making in their booth.
Full Spectrum Laser has become one of the top names in laser cutting. Their recent deal with Dremel to convert their Muse laser cutter into a machine Dremel hopes is ready to take their name and space on brick and mortar stores across the country.
Last week Mosaic Manufacturing released their new Palette 2 a device to allow almost any printer to use 4 different filaments at one time for multi-color and multi-material printing, their booth is sure to be packed with those looking to see it first hand.
Wazer has been a regular at New York Maker Faire for the last couple of years showing off prototypes of their desktop waterjet. This year, the prototypes are gone and the team will be showing off what their production model that recently began shipping is capable of.
Good machines are just part of the equation for good 3D prints. You also need to feed your machine quality filament and Filamentum doesn’t only make good filament, they make some of the prettiest colors I’ve seen.
Tormach is a regular on both coasts at Maker Faire, I personally hope they will be show us their new M series machines they released earlier this year.
Of course Maker Faire isn’t just about companies, there are also lots of strange, fun, and unique machines that people bring to show off their ideas.
The Gimbal Delta is an open source project to create a unique delta for multi-tool making. This kind of unique design is exactly the kind of thing I love to see at Maker Faire.
We see lots of Cartesian style CNC builds at Maker Faire but not a lot of rotary based tools that can make unique objects. RotoMill is a DIY project but the photos look pretty impressive, I can’t wait to see what they are making with it at Maker Faire.

Belt printing is nothing new to the hobby of DIY 3D printing but the past few years have popped up a few new takes on it in the hope of not only automating 3D printing but also making infinitely long objects. This DIY project looks like an interesting take on the process.
3D printing in plastic is great but lots of fun can be had printing in other mediums. I’ve seen a few chocolate printers over the years but this one is for sure the most impressive one I’ve seen to date.
This is just a sampling of the projects and companies coming to World Maker Faire New York and from the looks of it, this year is shaping up to be a year not to miss. Don’t wait in line to get tickets and miss out on time you could spend seeing all of this, get yours today!