Mythbusters – M5 Industries workshop

Mythbusters – M5 Industries workshop

Today on Digg there was a post about the Mythbuster’s shop, M5 Industries, here are some photos to check out – [via] Link.

If you want to meet the Mythbusters in person, they’ll be at the Maker Faire! Join the creators of MAKE magazine, the MythBusters, and thousands of tech DIY enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, science clubs, students, and authors at MAKE’s first ever Maker Faire!

Meet all kinds of people who make amazing things in garages, basements, and backyards for inspiration, know-how, and spirited mischief-making. An incredible learning experience for the entire family, students of all ages and their teachers are welcome.

Maker Faire – April 22-23, 2006. San Mateo Fairgrounds – Link.

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