News From The Future: Go Out With A Bang, You Are Ammunition…
We offer a way to honor your deceased loved one by giving or sharing with him or her one more round of clay targets, one last bird hunt, or one last stalk hunt.
Holy Smoke realized there was a need for an individual’s choice in how his or her life could be remembered or celebrated. What better way to be remembered than in a celebration of a life well spent.
A second important need is cost concerns for the decedent’s family. The services provided by Holy Smoke are a cost effective memorial for your outdoors person.
A third and equally important need was for the end result to be ecologically friendly and sound. There is a much smaller ecological footprint caused by our service as opposed to most of the current funeral interment methods.
Now you can have the peace of mind that you can continue to protect your home and family even after you are gone.
Holy Smoke, based in Stockton, Alabama turns your loved one into live ammunition.