NYC’s Makery Pops Up Again This Week in Harlem

Read about NYC Makery's first pop-up, and the Lessons Learned from their previous pop-up space.
Read about NYC Makery’s first pop-up, and the Lessons Learned from their previous pop-up space.”

After popping up at the Invisible Dog Art Center last year, and then again earlier this year at BEAM Center, NYC’s The Makery – a “Makerspace for Youth & Inventors of All Ages” – will be presenting workshops all this week in Harlem.

Remove the marker cap, and this drawbot makes beautiful shapes on the window that stops passers-by in their tracks. From the Makery's residence at BEAM Center earlier this year.
Remove the marker cap, and this drawbot makes beautiful shapes on the window that stops passers-by in their tracks. From the Makery’s residence at BEAM Center earlier this year.

From Post-it note speakers to MaKey MaKey-controlled instruments to Rube Goldberg machines, it looks like a great lineup of classes and workshops for makers of all ages. The Makery co-founder Hsing Wei also sent along this fun video below that’s a preview of their Playing With Sensors: Light workshop on Thursday:

Making Instruments and Controllers with the Makey Makey workshop this Saturday.
Making Instruments and Controllers with the Makey Makey workshop this Saturday.

If you can’t attend these workshops stay in touch with the Makery via their website and Facebook page.

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I'm an artist & maker. A lifelong biblioholic, and advocate for all-things geekathon. Home is Long Island City, Queens, which I consider the greatest place on Earth. 5-year former Resident of Flux Factory, co-organizer for World Maker Faire (NYC), and blogger all over the net. Howdy!

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