With everyone hunkering down at home, trying to stay safe and flatten the curve, there is a big and evident need for more connectivity within the community. Many people and organizations are responding with live streams and other resources.
We’ve collected a group of them here for you, and we would be happy to add more. Simply email editor@make.co with your live stream information or a suggestion.
Adafruit expands streams
Adafruit is expanding their half hour Show & Tell that happens every Wednesday to be a full hour starting today. Tune in at 7pm EST to watch.
On a special note here, I really want to point out what a wonderful job Adafruit is doing supporting their employees. They are closing the physical operations, but (unless things change) are still paying all employees, including contract workers during this tough time.
Microbit Daily Educational Streams from Peli de Halleux
scheduled streams throughout the day, exploring the microbit. These are educational lessons for beginners, and a great opportunity to learn.
Altium is premiering a documentary on the Arduino at 10am PST
The latest in a series of well researched and put together mini documentaries on things we hold dear as makers, for example: The arduino.
Ruthe Farmer at CSForall shared this fantastic list
With all the school closings, educational resources are in high demand. Ruthe Farmer shared this site with an already extensive and growing list of resources available.
Twice daily educator meetups suggested by AnneMarie Thomas
The Playline is an educator support group allowing for meetups of educators. Currently going twice daily.
The Woodworking Morning Show
Live every Friday at 1130am ET
An hour-ish weekly live show from popular youtuber The Wood Whisperer, with behind the scenes, off-the-cuff videos, and vlogs. “You know, offcuts.”
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