Live from Etech: Blogger.com founder Evan Williams from ODEO gave a preview of the podcast recording, hosting and publishing service. Users will be able to play audio from any page (from the source location via Macromedia Flash) use tags, subscribe, add to queues, share queues, post comments, download for iTunes, WinMedia, etc. Keep reading for more information and photos…
On the creation side users can record through the web using ODEO studio (using Flash again) upload mp3 files directly, use a phone to call in and record, and import an external feed. User can also add notes, sound “elements” then publish. Possible future features may include Flash based voice conferencing.
Evan spoke to the business model. The main opportunities hosting (some free some more robust), publishing (some free some more pro) and enable users to charge for content (Audible sold $19mm worth of downloads last quarter). and lastly advertising (matching shows with advertisers).
Limited invite only beta coming soon.
My impression of this- Evan has a great service, I’m really looking forward to using ODEO with our new Make:Audio show in all sorts of interesting ways.