To celebrate 60 days of web traffic on their site, open source kit makers Oomlout created a tangible graph using an acrylic base, hook-up wire, their automatic wire cutter, and some Arduino code. We’d like to think we had something to do with those long wires.
In the Maker Shed:
Arduino Controlled Servo Robot Kit
Our Price: $175.00
The Arduino Controlled Servo Robot Kit, also know as SERB, is a great open source project that includes everything you need to begin experimenting with robots and Arduino microcontrollers. Just assemble the precision laser-cut parts and you’re off and running, no additional hardware is needed. It even comes with a demo program pre-loaded onto the Arduino. The SERB has a built-in breadboard that sits on the top of the robot. This allows easy access for additional sensors and electronics. It couldn’t be simpler to prototype on the fly with this amazing robot.