Announcing the Open Source Hardware Community Survey! The Open hardware summit folks created this survey because they wanted to get a snapshot of the people who make, use and share open-source hardware. Catarina writes:
In an effort to better understand who we are as a community, as well as why and how we use/make open-source hardware, a few of us* created a survey. Please participate so that we can promote open-source hardware and serve you to the best of our abilities!
The survey will be up until April 15, and the aggregate results will be made publicly available in the form of a report consisting of graphics, percentages, and anonymized quotes. By publishing your (anonymous) responses, we hope to provide the public with insights into the practices and experiences of the people involved in open-source hardware.
If you make, use, or benefit from open-source hardware, please consider taking this survey to help develop a picture of the OSHW community!