Open source hardware @ Etech (PDF)

Open source hardware @ Etech (PDF)

Make Pt0472
Here are the slides in PDF format from the talk “Open source hardware” – this year there was a lot of hardware folks at Etech!

Open Source Hardware
Phillip Torrone (Maker Media), Limor Fried (Adafruit Industries)

Open source hardware is a term slowly working its way into many new projects and efforts, but what is it? There are a few definitions, some of which come from “open source software,” which is usually considered software’s “source code under a license (or arrangement such as the public domain) that permits users to study, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified form.” So how does this translate to hardware?

This session will focus on electronic hardware, the layers they can be divided into, different document types, licensing concerns, and a show-and-tell of hardware.

Open source hardware @ Etech – Link (PDF).

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