Pabst of Yore – beer can peg board tool holder

Pabst of Yore – beer can peg board tool holder

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Cycle Jerk writes in –

I was working in the basement this weekend and decided it would be a good idea to go spelunking in the crawl space. What I found there was a treasure every cyclist and cheap beer aficionado would be proud of. Whoever built my house in 1937 was drinking on the job, god bless em’ and dropped a few empty cans of PBR into the foundation before slapping the house on top. These cans sat still for 71 freakin years, waiting for someone with the lack of common sense to shimmy their way into the darkness and yank them into the 21st century. There they could achieve the greatness those cans were destined for… a handy tool holder on my peg board! With a can opener, a dremel tool, and a wee bit o’ moxie I brought a little more honor to my beloved workspace.

Cycle Jerk: Pabst of Yore – beer can peg board holder – Link.

Pegboard workbench organizer – Link.

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Make – Volume 05 – The Quick and Dirty (Page 110) – Link.

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MAKE Volume 05: Science, Weather, and Outdoors. Homemade electric vehicles, high-powered water rockets, electricity-generating windmill, jet engine in a jam jar, and a backyard zip line! Link & Get it at the Maker Store.

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