Painted Screw Portraits by Andrew Myers


As 2014 fades away and we prepare to ring in the New Year this evening, I wanted to share the work of Andrew Myers, particularly his piece entitled, Fading Thoughts.

Andrew has created an incredible series of larger than life portraits, made out of simple materials– screws, oil paint, and phone book pages on wood.

I am blown away, no pun intended, by how he takes a 2D picture and transforms it into a visually stunning 3D installation. I love the playful dialogue between material and subject. The matrix of screws are secured to the board, yet they appear to be in motion, floating away as the subject seems to disintegrate before our eyes.


Be sure to watch this 13 minute video by Benjamin Pitts, documenting the creative process behind Fading Thoughts.

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Maker Extraordinaire from Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Lover of all things CNC and hand made. @agawaffle

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