Photographs Rendered in Living Algae

algae-graphs-1images courtesy Lia Giraud

Artist Lia Giraud has cultivated a hybrid agricultural and photographic process to create astoundingly detailed images rendered in living algae that he calls “algae-graphs.”


Like traditional photography, Giraurd’s process works by using a light-sensitive material to capture the image upon exposure to it but, rather than photographic film, he uses a petri dish coated in micro-organism that react to the light by growing in different densities.


Instead of needing time to develop, like a photograph, an “algae-graph” needs time to grow, sometimes for up to 4 days. It makes me wonder if there might be a cave out there somewhere with a perfect image from a natural camera obscura growing in it!

[via Geyser of Awesome]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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