Punk Chucks – Show Us Your Modded Shoes!

Punk Chuckscollage
CRAFT Reader Rebecca Blankenship was inspired by our Shoe issue, vol 7 and sent us photos of her crafty punk chucks.
Rebecca writes:

Last year, I bought a new pair of Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars and drew on them with Sharpies. Here are my Punk Chucks. I have also done something similar with Keds and with a pair of the low top Chucks. Just thought I’d share my work.

If you’d like to show off your crafty shoes, add them to our CRAFT Flickr Pool and we’ll post some of our favorites on the blog in the coming months.
From the pages of CRAFT: 07:
Craft07 Conversemod
“Converse A La Mod,” by Tom Wyatt, pgs 49-51. Preview the article in our Digital Edition.
Craft07 Shoemod
“Shoe Mods Made Simple,” by Ivory Eileen pg 66. Preview the article in our Digital Edition.

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