The end of an era.. RadioShack soon to be called “The Shack” ? via Engadget.
“The Shack” re-branding RadioShack is in the process of re-branding[citation needed] the company as “The Shack” as well as re-building corporate culture. This will be kicked off by a launch celebration in both San Francisco and New York featuring “14 foot tall laptops” streaming the images from their webcams from one city to the other, live music in both locations, as well as television coverage of the event.[13] The event will take place in Times Square and Justin Herman Plaza on August 6-8, 2009, starting each morning at 6AM Eastern and lasting until Midnight. In addition, “The Shack” began a telemarketing campaign on July 31, 2009, in which they call post-paid customers in the morning to inform them about upgrade eligibility.
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