Part of The definitive guide to open source hardware projects in 2009
Religious – Open source hardware has made inroads in to religious from an LED menorah to a blinky Christmas card. These projects almost belong in the “Blinky projects” category, but I thought they should get their own. I suspect more religions will be open sourcing their hardware soon.
Menorah Kit
The Deluxe LED Menorah kit is an updated take on the traditional hanukkiyah, the nine-armed Hanukkah candelabrum. Two candles are lit on the first night of Hanukkah (one “real” candle plus the lighter candle, or shamash), three on the second night, right up to nine on the eighth night. (That’s (2+9) * (8/2) = 44 candles all together).
Price: $14.00
Visit the project page
Buy one @ Maker Shed
Christmas card &Â ornament
Hackable Christmas tree, made with an ATtiny13A and a few LEDs. Push the button to play a short light show in the tree.
Price: $15.00
Visit the project page