Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, which has gotten me thinking about what Valentine’s Day means for makers. It’s certainly not about buying a pre-made card at the store and calling it done. We’re looking for your Valentine projects and stories in these topic areas: cards and gifts, collaborative project stories, marriage proposal stories, and maker couple stories.
Email your submissions to me: lcochrane@makezine.com, and please include photos. If we feature your story/project on the blog, you’ll get a shiny new Maker’s Notebook!
Cards & Gifts
Whether it’s a light-up card or a more ambitious project, makers have the skills to build something amazing for the person they love. What neat homemade gifts or cards have you made (or even just seen on the interwebs)?
Collaborative Project Stories
Do you have a story of a project build you decided to undertake with your significant other? Combining, say, your soldering skills and their sewing skills? Maybe it turned out great, or maybe… not. If it’s an entertaining story, we want to hear it.
Marriage Proposal Stories
Did you use your power of creation to make a memorable marriage proposal? Like blogger Salainen, who made a Mario-style proposal with this question-mark ring box and the question “Will you be my player two?”
Maker Couple Stories
Are you in a relationship with someone who loves to make things as much as you do? How did you meet? Do you collaborate on projects together? How do you inspire each other?
Pictured here: Paula Chang and Mike Cheung, a couple who met at Maker Faire Bay Area and ended up starting a woodshop and online business in their garage.