Rhode Island’s Mini Maker Faire is set for this Saturday, Aug. 10. For such a little state, organizers are planning a big fair to celebrate Yankee ingenuity.
First, the details: The fair will be held at the Pell Chafee Performance Center in Providence. MAKE book editor Brian Jepson is helping to organize the event so you know it’s going to be great. And the fair is happening inside AS220’s Foo Fest 2013 making it a twofer. Foo Fest is a fun-filled music, art, and food celebration. Admission is $7 and entrance to the fair is included.
The line-up of makers and presentations is great. Here’s a sampling:
Live Homebrewing Demonstrations
The Rhode Island Brewing Society will be on hand to talk homebrewing and all things zymurgical.
Blast from the Past: T-Rex and Friends
Using classic wooden dinosaur models as a starting point, a dedicated team of AS220 FabLab members created a collection of giant size foam and particle board dinosaurs. The biggest of the bunch is a T-Rex that stands 10 feet tall.
3D Printing Showcase
3DP PVD is a monthly meetup for those interested in 3D printing in Rhode Island. They’ll be at the fair to show off what they’ve been up to in the past year.
Public Lab
Public Lab is a non-profit community focused on developing inexpensive, DIY tools, and techniques for investigating environmental concerns. They’ll be demonstrating open source hardware tools for near infrared vegetation photography, DIY spectroscopy, and balloon and kite mapping.
Open Handcuffs with DC401
DC401 will be giving a proof-of-concept, hands-on class in the fine art of handcuff security and escape. Anybody can learn and everyone is welcome. Come by to learn how to open handcuffs with a hair pin and learn more about DC401.
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
David Gaskil is an artist-engineer who “reinvents” old pinball machines- keeping the old tech, piggy-backing on “new tech” using his own graphic designs. This project is an homage to 1970’s era Bruce Springsteen, complete with a simulated turntable and jukebox feature.
Trebuchets and Frankenbikes
Check out the teen-built Zuke Voyage trebuchet, and a frankenbike or two.
Clear your schedule and be there this Saturday, Aug. 10!