Our Robot Hack Community page is brimming with projects and ideas. Many teams are experimenting with movement mechanisms. Aaron Bierenboim has been working on walking. Check out his totally cool walking robot chassis below:
Designs for the Boim Walker are posted here. Aaron 3D printed his prototypes and plans to watch the live hangout on air Sunday, Nov. 3.
The Basement Robot Lab team is attempting to build a balance bot from various components (extruded aluminum frame, custom boards with a ATMEGA644, and some motors from a Roomba).
Mark Fournier is making a semi-autonomous robot based on ATmega, remotely controlled by voice via a wearable Raspberry Pi computer (already developped), and connected to a Rapsi/ATmeg home automation system. The robot will embed various sensors and a camera with motion, pattern, and color detection (and maybe a small screen to simulate an “animated robot face”). Check out this project here.
Trash Talk:
Chuck Stevens writes, “Our team is called the No Man Band. I’m an artist, instrument maker and musician and my primary partners are a programmer and a First Robotics Alum. We are planning to build something musical out of recycled and repurposed materials. And trash… lots of trash!”
The program kicks off Sunday Nov. 3 at 1pm ET with a live event and Google+ hangout from Olin College in Needham, Mass., where we’ll converse with Intel Futurist and 21st Century Robot author Brian David Johnson, illustrator Sandy Winkelman, designer/fabricator Wayne Losey, and Olin College Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Design Dave Barrett.
Joining us remotely will be robotics engineer and founder of Artisans AsylumGui Cavalcanti, USC PhD research fellow Ross Mead, and more. Make sure to join our Robot Hacks Community to watch the program on G+, and contribute any questions, comments, ideas, or more, anytime you please. There are also limited tickets available for those who’d like to attend the event live.
We’re thrilled about this — who doesn’t love making robots? — and can’t wait to put some servos to work with you.
- Join the Robot Hacks community
- Apply to participate and receive our robotics materials kit
- Attend the opening meetup at Olin College (Needham, Mass.) on November 3rd
- Watch the on-air hangouts (November 3rd, 6th, 13th, and 20th)