Part of The definitive guide to open source hardware projects in 2009
Robotics – From controlling motors to a robot arm you can make yourself, robotics is a new and growing category in open source hardware. While there’s not a ton of projects many robotics groups are using Arduinos (FIRST is now) so I think we’ll see this category double and triple in 2010, here are some of the early pioneers.
Easy Driver
The EasyDriver is a simple to use stepper motor driver, compatible with anything that can output a digital 0 to 5V pulse. EasyDriver requires a 7V to 30V supply to power the motor, and has an on board voltage regulator for the digital interface. Connect a 4-wire stepper motor and a microcontroller and you’ve got precision motor control! EasyDriver drives bi-polar motors, and motors wired as bi-polar. I.e. 4,6, or 8 wire stepper motors.
Price: $14.95
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Robot arm
A five axis robotic arm design controlled by rather inexpensive hobby servos (material and cutting cost about USD$150) – loads of fun to play with, and we think potentially very useful for more serious pursuits.
Price: Various
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OpenServo is an open community-based project with the goal of creating a high quality digital servo for robotics.
Price: Various
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Make your bots and plushies come to life! Twitchie is an amazingly lifelike animated armature that’s Arduino-powered and comes preprogrammed, making it an excellent kit for beginners in robotics. No programming required! You can download and modify the code if you want, and it’s pretty light on soldering, too. We recommend Twitchie for young makers (both boys and girls) interested in robotics or in bringing plush toys to life.
Price: $99.95
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Buy one @ Maker Shed
Price: $
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