Wow, this is some type of kid sequencer of sorts on Etsy… Rarebeasts writes –
This is a unique handmade toy that will fascinate both kids and adults.
I started making this toy as a first birthday present for my daughter, she and every one else had so much fun with it I am now making a few more. This is a very unique toy and I’ve never seen anything like it in the shops.
Press on a shape and it will make a noise, it will put that noise into one of 8 sound slots, the noise will now be made each time that slot is reached. So it is possible to make endless combinations of the 4 sounds. There are 8 LEDs(light emmiting diodes) for each sound slot and 4 four LEDs for each sound. It sounds complicated but its as simple as pressing down on the shapes to activate sounds and let it take off from there.
I think kids from 6 months will enjoy this item, both my daughter(1) and son(3) have had a lots of fun with it. I’ve also seen adults have fun with this one.
All of the components are locked in place or glued down to avoid any choking hazards. The finish on the wood is bees wax which is non toxic and can be given a good old chew by kids.
R-Tronic 8-Bit – Link.