What does the city of the future look like? That’s the question that the producers of Maker Faire Vienna have kept in mind this year. How can this technology improve the world around us? How can we use our skills to help those who need assistance? How can we utilize the maker mindset to reduce waste? These are all questions that you can ponder as you explore the exhibits.
This is the fourth year for Maker Faire Vienna and they’re adding new concepts every year. This year, one exciting new concept is a method of encouraging children to be more hands-on. As a child completes a hands-on activity, they collect a stamp. Earn 6 stamps and you get a special gift from the Faire!
To give you a taste of the fun stuff you’ll see, here are 9 highlights
The 3D chocoprinter will visit us from Prague and print individual and edible pieces out of chocolate for the visitors of Maker Faire Vienna: Layer by layer the chocolate will be extruded on a surface.
FabLab Brno will present their “FabLab Experience” for the first time internationally: It’s their brand new mobile version of their FabLab inside a full size truck. It will be used primarily for education.
A group of FPV drone enthusiasts organised the first Viennese Whoop Racing League this year. Their final race will take place at Maker Faire Vienna. Visitors can also try out the so called “Tiny Whoops”, 6 – 7 cm big quadcopters.
Happylab, Austria’s first maker space with a big community of makers using it’s digital fabrication tools, will invite visitors to their Pop-Up maker space at Maker Faire Vienna. Members of the Happylab community will show their projects.
The project “(Make) Room for Shroom” will demonstrate a hands-on approach for creating and crafting with biological materials using 3D-printing, biopolymers, and fungi. They will also discuss the applications varying from wearables to DIY beehive enclosures.
Personal Robotics is a project that aims to develop humanoid robots which are affordable, versatile and environmentally justifiable, as an application for available open source solutions. At Maker Faire Vienna visitors can try out the robot “Lilli”and even get a DIY-kit to build their own version of the robot at home.
Digital knitting machine: Vienna-based textile artist Veronika Persché will show insights of her work with her CNC knitting machines. Visitors can create their own knit pattern design and produce it on the digital knitting machine.
“plasticpreneuer” faces the challenge of plastic waste and offers tools to turn plastic waste into valuable things. The team has been working on the project for two years in Austria and Uganda. At Maker Faire Vienna visitors can try out their machines on site.
MagicShifter 3000 – The WiFi Enabled Open Source Wonder Lamp: The MagicShifter 3000 is an open source hardware gadget for RGB lighting, gaming and POV (persistence of vision) applications. By combining its accelerometer with 16 bright RGB LEDs you can draw images “into the air”.
To give you a better feel for what to expect, here’s their fantastic recap video from last year’s Maker Faire!
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