This one is for Dale since the last phone conference call we had he was feeding his chickens… Solar powered poultry lighting – put together a solar system to power poultry lighting – increase winter egg production from REUK.co.uk.
If we received 1p every time someone emailed us about solar powered poultry lighting we would have earned 23p during September. Therefore we have compiled the information in the following article to assist those people, and anyone else who requires timer controlled lighting where mains electricity is not available.
One of the most important factors in egg production by poultry is the length of the day. During the summer months when days are long, hens and other poultry lay merrily. But in the winter when the days are short (and often dull) egg production can slow or even stop. Therefore artificial poultry lighting on a timer is often used to trick the poultry into believing the days are longer while still maintaining the necessary 9-10 hours of dark roosting time.