MAKE Flickr photo pool member funnypolynomial made some awesome stamps from the future (Faster than light travel and turing, PostScript source and PDFs included) –
I can’t remember the exact genesis, but one day recently the idea of “Stamps from the Future” popped into my head. I thought, what kinds of things would people commemorate on postage stamps in the near or distant future? My first thought was travelling Faster Than Light (FTL). I really wanted to make such a stamp, but I stalled for a while because the image I had in my head of the stamp portraying some kind of spaceship, seemed tricky to execute. I wanted a sense of verisimilitude, so I wanted to do a sheet, but how to repeat the design? Making some kind of linocut just seemed too hard. I quickly decided I’d code it in PostScript, but I still stalled at the thought of basically creating a picture in code, even though by now I was imagining a simple cone-shaped spaceship. So I thought about other possibilities and came up with the Turing Test: the idea that sometime in the future, maybe an AI would actually pass it. “” [via] – Link & photos.
And… we’re launching a newsletter version of the “News from the Future” category on MAKE (and from the print magazine) so – go and sign up. Reality is catching up with science fiction, thanks in a large part to DIY technologies. “News From the Future”, identifies the laboratory and garage projects that promise to change the way we live. Get more frequent updates by subscribing to the free newsletter!
Subscribers, log in and read’em all!
- News From the Future from MAKE: 08: Toys and Games. Games with a purpose – Link.
- News from the Future from MAKE: 07: Backyard Biology. Virtual meets real – Link.
- News from the Future from MAKE: 06: Robots. We have met the artificial intelligence, and he is us – Link.
- News From The Future from MAKE: 05: Science, Weather, and Outdoors. For everything that is gained, something is lost – Link.
- News From The Future from MAKE: 04: Music and Kits for the Holidays. A report on the labs and garage projects changing the way we live – Link.
- News from the Future from MAKE: 03: Cars and Halloween. News from the Future: a report on the labs and garage projects changing the way we live – Link.
- News from the Future from MAKE: 02: Home Entertainment. Reports on the labs, companies, and garage projects changing the way we live – Link.
- News from the Future from MAKE: 01: Make Premiere. Reality is catching up with science fiction, thanks in a large part to DIY technologies. Tim O’Reilly identifies the laboratory and garage projects that promise to change the way we live – Link.