The first MakerCon in Europe October 17-18. Buy your tickets today!

The first MakerCon in Europe October 17-18. Buy your tickets today!


MakerCon Nordic – the first MakerCon in Europe will take place October 17th and 18th in Oslo, Norway. We have an amazing lineup of speakers for the conference with more that 30 sessions, 8 keynotes, 20+ speakers in total and 6 workshops! Atmel, Autodesk/Spark, littleBits, Ultimaker and Type A Machines will come and share their stories on open software/hardware. There will be dedicated sessions on themes such as “The Impact of the Maker Movement”, “The Democratization of Technology” and “A 3d-printer revolution?”

Ticket sale starts NOW! We offer both one- and two-day passes as well as rebate on two-day passes for students. There are a limited number of tickets available, so hurry.

Below is a list of some featured speakers. For the full program, see our web pages.

Buy your tickets here.

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Meet the makers at the forefront of the maker movement! 

Hilde Sevens, Autodesk, presents Autodesk’s Spark, an open software platform for 3D printing, connecting digital design information to 3D printers in a new way.

Jo Uthus,Sr Director, System Applications, Atmel, talks about Atmel and Arduino : Coincidence or Delibaret?

Jennifer Turliuk, Co-President of MakerKids, talks on littleBits and MakerKids, one of the only makerspaces for kids in the world.

David Lang, co-founder of OpenROV, a community of citizen ocean explorers and creators of low-cost underwater robots and author of the book “Zero to Maker”.

Mike Senese, the Executive Editor of Make: magazine, studying developments in 3D printing, microcontrollers, and everything else in the maker community.

Erik de Bruijn, the co-founder of Ultimaker and CEO of 3D sharing platform YouMagine.

Haakon Karlsen Jr., one of the globally acclaimed founders of the worldwide FabLab.

Learn new maker skills at the MakerCon workshops! 

Erik Torstensson, serial entrepreneur and maker of things. Named Maker of the Year 2014 by Maker Fair for his efforts in teaching science and making in schools around the world.

Henning Pedersen, multicopter lunetic. Learn how to build a quadcopter from scratch in just 3 hours!

Learn digital fabrication in the MakerCon makerspace! 

Learn digital fabrication with five of the makerspaces in Oslo. Thanks to Bitfaf, Fellesverkstedet, Bengler, Åpen sone for eksperimentell informatikk, and Mesh Makers, we know this will be spectacular!

Socialize and party at the most beatiful conference you ever attended!

Last, but not least, there will be lots of good coffee and a MakerCon party for all participants. Everyone is welcome! MakerCon is going to be the most beautiful conference you ever been to! It will take place in the cultural heart of Oslo, Norway, at Ingensteds, Indigo and Strykejernet.


MakerCon Nordic is a part of Oslo Innovation Week and proudly produced by Norway Makers in collaboration with Oslos makerspaces.

MakerCon Nordic is supported by Oslo Innovation Week, Oslo Business Region, Innovation Norway, The Research Council of Norway, Opera Software and The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology.


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A non-profit organization with the vision to strengthen the maker movement in Norway

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