The Where 2012 Conference is Looking for Makers and Hackers

The Where 2012 Conference is Looking for Makers and Hackers

Where 2012 is coming up soon, and like many of our other conferences, we’re looking for makers and hackers to join us:

The program for Where, our geolocation and mapping conference, is almost complete. Now we’re looking for makers, hackers, developers, and DIYers to bring awesomeness to the 2012 Where Conference (April 2-4 in San Francisco).

There are three ways to participate:

  1. Share an amazing geo/location/data visualization video or image
  2. Create an interactive RFID installation
  3. Mini Maker Faire: Hardware project

Acceptances will be rolling. The deadline to get your proposal in is March 1, so apply soon. If your project is accepted for any of the above, you’ll receive a pass to Where.

Makers and hackers: The Where Conference is looking for you

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I'm a tinkerer and finally reached the point where I fix more things than I break. When I'm not tinkering, I'm probably editing a book for Maker Media.

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