To our American readers, we hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving!
To our non-American readers, we hope you had an above average Thursday.
What do you make with mini materials? Well, everything you would make with normal materials apparently, included this adorable pizza oven for extremely tiny pizzas. (Special shout out to Mike Senese, the Make: editor voted most likely to be thinking about pizza at any given moment.)
Learn how to make a normal-sized brick pizza oven here.
Caleb Kraft is working on a super cool project involving patches and circuits. It’s still in the works but in the meantime here’s his review of the Brother SE400 Sewing and embroidery machine that he’ll be using.
Learn how to program a creep gait for your four-legged robot friend. This skill builder covers some of the particular pros and cons of having robots with legs, discusses balance, movement, and step patterns.
Black Friday has come and passed, but there’s still a whole month’s worth of holiday shopping still to come. The Make: Gift Guide is our answer to the question “What do makers really want?” We compiled our picks by asking makers what they really wanted (go figure!). If you’ve got a recommendation of your own we want to hear it! We’ll be updating our guide with new picks all month. Email editor@makezine.com if there’s something you think other Makers would be happy to receive, or if there’s maker creating awesome gifts.