The latest Tips-N-Tools is out, don’t forget if you send us in a tip you get a MAKE pocket ref! Arwen writes –
My very dear Readers,
I hadn’t thought of it this way before, but spring is all about knots: hammock knots, sailing knots, rock-climbing knots, tying-stuff-to-your-truck-to-take-it-to-the-dump knots. Keith Hammond, our copy chief extraordinaire, pointed me to a great animated knot-tying site, and whether you still remember those trucker’s hitches from your Scout days, or you’ve never tied anything more complicated than your shoes, you should definitely check it out.Because spring is also about learning something new, I’m also sending you some other reviews to get you in the mood for spring. After the review in the last TNT about some tools to get into and out of tight corners, a reader wrote in suggesting a new use for the humble yet glorious paper clip. Eric Wilhelm, founder of, posted about a great new electronics parts search. Another reader finally wrote some good guidelines for resuscitating wet electronics. And if coaxing something that seems dead back to life isn’t spring-like, I don’t know what is! TNT, Round 17: Spring Forward – Link.
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