If you were to ask the collective Maker community to name their go-to tool, the enthusiastic response would be Dremel. No matter the project, the Maker will often tell you how they had to “go at it with a Dremel” to get it done.
The beauty of the familiar, handheld rotary tool is its versatility: It can function as a drill press and even a scroll saw — attachments allow you to snap your tool into place and carry out all kinds of different tasks.
At Maker Faire, people can choose between hand-carving a leather bracelet or constructing an entire toy car using only the Dremel rotary tool, Dremel scroll saw and the Dremel Idea Builder 3D printer (one of which being given away at the event). Kids and adults alike are enjoying getting their hands dirty and stopping to snap a selfie with their new creations. The booth also includes a Sprout by HP computer, part of the recent 3D-focused partnership announced between the two companies at MakerCon.
Beyond the official Dremel booth, Dremel tools’ potential is on display throughout the fairgrounds. Clockmaker David West, for example, hand carves his pieces using the scroll saw. The clock displayed at Maker Faire is made of wood and painstakingly created without the aid of laser cutters or CNC mills.
Makers’ love for Dremel’s tools is equal to the company’s love for its customers. The staff working the Dremel booth expressed that the prevailing feeling was that of pride. I’d be proud too.