A couple weeks ago, Donald Bell gushed about a very cool project called the “lissajukebox” during his weekly youtube show Maker Update. It was quite pretty (you can find it below), and it introduced me to Emily Velasco. Since then I crossed paths with another cool project or two on twitter and who’s feed did they happen to be on? Emily Velasco. So lets take a bit of time to check out her channel, Emily’s Electric Oddities, that seems to be just now picking up some steam.

Her channel trailer doesn’t include the usual overhyped narration that you’d find on youtube but rather seems to encapsulate the kinds of impressive projects she’s pulling off pretty well.

Some of the stuff she does is simple, like this quick hack of solar yard lights to make them multi-colored and more hangable.

and other projects are super complex, like the Lissajukebox I mentioned earlier. This is an absolute piece of art that mixes skilled design work as well as fancy electronics.

Poke around at her channel a bit and you’ll find some other interesting things, like her explorations in circuit sculptures as well as some 3d printing and other general makery style projects.