Build, create, hack, invent, craft, and learn. Discover, share, and connect with makers.
Make: Projects is a living library for makers, a how-to community hosted by MAKE magazine! Here you can build something from our growing cookbook of projects, tweak existing projects to improve them, share your own step-by-step instructions, discover new ideas and techniques, and learn how to make just about anything. And it’s a wiki, so everything is hackable. Connect with the collective smarts of the maker community!
Just like in the pages of MAKE magazine, on Make: Projects, you’ll find all kinds of cool DIY projects, great and small. These projects are not only fun to build, but they also impart the skills and knowledge of making things, based on the experience of many people. By sharing this content online, more people of all ages and backgrounds can learn to enjoy making.
Make: Projects is a structured wiki for DIY projects. A wiki, as in Wikipedia, enables collaboration around the creation of useful information. Make: Projects is a collaborative resource for people who make things. It’s enhanced for creating projects that are visually rich and organized as step-by-step procedures with listings for tools and materials. Anyone can create a project that demonstrates how to make something. (Or, like any wiki, you can create unstructured wiki pages as well.)
Most importantly, anyone can edit any project in Make: Projects. While anyone can edit, only approved edits become public. That approval process depends upon the person’s reputation in the system, which is gained over time. Soon, your participation in Make: Projects will be recognized by earning badges.
Make: Projects is curated because we want to provide the best DIY content. We want to avoid having numerous projects that duplicate other people’s work. That’s why we will encourage the community to collaborate on revisions to improve existing projects instead of creating many versions of the same project with minor variations.
The beauty of how-to projects is that they’re evergreen. Their value lasts a long time. We’re excited to re-introduce projects from the earliest issue of MAKE and know they can be as relevant as projects from the current issue. We also know that already published projects can be improved by new insights or by new techniques. In other words, even the instructions for projects can be revised, tweaked, and hacked.
The Make: Projects platform is open to reflect the energy and expertise of the maker community. We hope you will take part by sharing your own ideas, knowledge, and passion. Contribute your own techniques or projects so that others can learn from you, as you no doubt have learned from others. By hosting this resource, we hope to grow the community of people who make things.
The Make: Projects Platform
The Make: Projects platform was developed by iFixit.com. iFixit uses a structured wiki for interactive DIY repair manuals. We partnered with them to create a platform for interactive DIY project guides. Thanks to Kyle and Luke and the rest of iFixit team for their vision and their development expertise.
This platform is still under development. We’d love to hear your ideas on how to tweak it. We plan to build a parts database that’s shared by Make: Projects as well as iFixit, and perhaps other sites. Stay tuned as there’s more to come.
Note that all content contributed to Make: Projects will be made available under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa license.
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