We asked some of our favorite makers what they planned to make in 2014. Here’s what they said:
Phillip Torrone & Limor Fried
Creative director, and owner and founder, Adafruit Industries
In 2014 we’d like to get 23 episodes of Circuit Playground (our kid’s show) out. Here are the first 2:
“A is for Ampere” — Circuit Playground Episode 1

“B is for Battery” — Circuit Playground Episode 2

Eben Upton, creator of the Raspberry Pi and founder and former trustee of the Raspberry Pi Foundation
Something ugly and welded. I’ve always wanted to learn to weld, and with Pi broadly under control 2014 looks like it might just be the year. I’d love to say “something beautiful and welded”, but I know my limits :)
Mitch Altman
Co-founder of San Francisco hackerspace Noisebridge
I’m going to make a music synthesizer kit that makes way cool sounds, and will cost less than $25 — for total beginners to easily complete successfully, and also to make it fun and easy for people who want to learn about making cool sounds with microcontrollers.
Zach Kaplan
CEO of inventables.com
I want to make an electric go-kart for less than $1,000 that can be built without welding.
Wayne Losey
Creative director/lightning rod, Dynamo Development Labs
I want to build a simple digital toolbox that will allow people to design and print some their own ModiBot-compatible accessories.
Quin Etnyre
13-year-old CEO of Qtechknow
My maker resolution is to launch my Arduino-Compatible board on Kickstarter. I have been working on this product for the past year, and I am very excited to get it to the maker community. Look for it in Spring 2014!
Mike Senese
Executive editor, MAKE magazine
I’ve got an endless (and growing) list of projects, but in 2014, I’d love to get to work on the Comic-Con cosplay costume I’ve had in mind for a few years now. And, build a skateboard ramp in the backyard with/for my nephews.
Zach Hoeken Smith
Co-founder of MakerBot Industries and tech director for Haxlr8r
Build a solar-powered electric golf cart with a 100km range.
Sean Michael Ragan
Technical editor, MAKE magazine
I want to make a book! It’ll be my first ever, and it’s going to be about BEAM robotics. So excited!
David Lang
Co-founder of OpenROV and author of Zero to Maker
I have a weird goal for 2014: grow heirloom roses.
Joshua Harker
Artist who works in 3D printed sculpture, joshharker.com
Working on a new 3D printer technology. Would be great to launch in 2014 … we’ll see.
Sylvia Todd
Producer and host of Sylvia’s Super-Awesome Maker Show
1. An electric go-kart. We have already started one, but I really want to finish it really soon.
2. Bedside table buttons. I am super tired of using the scroll wheel thingie to turn on my light, and I want to have a button to turn music on.
3. Treehouse fix? We have a old moldy treehouse that was left from the last people who lived here and I really want to fix it and turn it into something that is safer to use and cooler.
4. Something super-awesome! My Maker’s Notebook is FULL of cool ideas, and one of them is bound to get made sometime.
Eric Weinhoffer
Product development engineer, Maker Media Inc.
One that’s been on my list for months is a set of bike rollers. I intend to build one early on in the year.
A decent one will set you back a few hundred dollars, and I think I can do it for under $150. Will probably use some 2x4s, roller skate wheels, and maybe some conveyor belt rollers from McMaster.
Goli Mohammadi
Senior editor, MAKE
This past summer my good friend Karen taught me how to make a brick walkway. In my travels to visit my family in Iran, I’ve always been enchanted with the elaborate brick designs they use in buildings. In 2014 I’d like to try my hand at creating similar designs in brick. Here’s an inspiration shot I took on my last trip:
What are you planning on making this year? Let us know in the comments!
Pictured at the top of the post is the Drill Kart project from MAKE Volume 26.