What Do Robots, Bananas, and Toys & Games Have in Common?

What Do Robots, Bananas, and Toys & Games Have in Common?

rtmfc_button_125x125They’re all projects currently competing in the second Road to Maker Faire Challenge, presented by Esurance. One lucky winner will receive $2,500 to bring his or her project to Maker Faire Bay Area on May 18-19 in San Mateo, CA. Whether you’re a maker in need of the funds to make the trip, or could use it to take your project to the next level, this is a great opportunity. Applications are due by 11:59 PM PDT on April 8th, 2013, after which an intense round of public voting will take place to decide the top 10 finalists. Every maker has a chance to win! All you have to do is enter your project here.

These are some of the contestants on the Road to Maker Faire Challenge:

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I'm an artist & maker. A lifelong biblioholic, and advocate for all-things geekathon. Home is Long Island City, Queens, which I consider the greatest place on Earth. 5-year former Resident of Flux Factory, co-organizer for World Maker Faire (NYC), and blogger all over the net. Howdy!

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