Winners of the Singer & CRAFT Swimsuit Cover-Up Contest

We are so excited to announce the winners of the Singer & CRAFT Swimsuit Cover-Up Contest! Thanks so much to everyone who entered. We were blown away by all of your creativity and beautiful cover-ups!
Grand Prize Winner:
Royalflush Coverup
Royal Flush Cover-up by KJMA

Runners Up:
Beachcoverup Runnerup
Beach Cover Up from Upcycled Towel by dgillian
Strawberrycoverup Runnerup
Strawberry Cover-up by mamasweettater
Swimcoverup Runnerup
Swim Cover-Up by simple up
Honorable Mentions:
Coverup Honmention1
Sailor Girl by Corra1, Super Cozy Terry Cloth Pool Hoodie by prudence rabbit, Seventies Beach Dress by Bydanalynn,
Coverup Honmention2
Bed, Bath, and Beyond by Simple Wardrobe, Swimsuit Cover-Up by katie jean, Cover-Up by FourteenCherrySt.

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