For our upcoming Make: Newsletter, which will be focused on handy tips, I put a call out on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, G+) to share their favorite tips. The response on Twitter was fantastic — tweeters are already used to forming thoughts into aphorisms because of Twitter’s 140 character limit. Here are some of my favorites:
Don’t get so caught up in thinking that you never do anything.
Measure twice. Cut once.
never buy cheap screwdrivers.
leave tweeter, go make something.
never work when you are tired.
Never use your finger to check if the hot glue has cooled down. It hasn’t.
Automotive polishing compound on a clean damp rag can make grubby, scratched, and stained things shine. Plastics, metal…paint even!
Rubbing alcohol removes sharpie marks from most smooth surfaces.
Do not attempt to wire a breadboard when you have just taken asthma meds.
if you borrow a clean tool, return it clean. If you borrow a dirty tool, return it clean.
Double check the spelling of your employer/clients name on the silkscreen of your PCB. Not that I’ve done this. :)
in theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.
Don’t release the magic smoke.
learn to draw in isometric perspective, it can really help you visualize a project.
when filling a pcb start with the shortest components and work up to the tallest or else its like soldering through skyscrapers!
estate sales are a great place to get quality tools and materials.
Wet your soldering sponge with tea. It’s slightly acidic and will give the soldering iron a wonderfully clean tip.
Don’t be afraid to take things apart. Overcoming that fear is often the hardest part of fixing things.
Pick your tool after you plan your job.
Please add your own tips in the comments here, and check out all the responses on Twitter! Want to sign up for the Make: Newsletter? You can do it right here: