From our friends at UncommonGoods:
Do you have what it takes to become the next Thomas Edison or Benjamin Franklin? Are you sitting on a genius design or invention that is sure to be the next big thing? Then we want to hear from you!
In honor of National Inventors’ Month, UncommonGoods is issuing a wide-open design challenge to find our next Uncommon Inventor or Designer. The third of our YouGoods product design challenges, this contest is looking for a product with a spark of inventive genius, a flash of innovation and something that makes us say, Aha! Why didn’t we think of that? Oh, and did we mention there’s a $1,500 prize and a chance to showcase your design at Maker Faire NYC?
Guidelines for submitting an entry:
- Must have a clear idea of the end product. Entrant may provide photos, design specs or videos to share a full concept of their idea.
- Tell a good story. Judges want to know: How did you choose materials? What design options did you consider before you developed your final submission? What did you learn in the process of designing your product? Who is this product for and why? What need or problem does it address?
- Judges will give more points to products that are unique, eco-friendly, and economical to produce. Judges may give more points to designs that have taken production and manufacturing into account.
The winning design will be picked by a team of judges along with the help and input of our online community. UncommonGoods Facebook fans will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite designs, so make sure you join us on Facebook!
From previous YouGoods challenges, pictured above: a chair made from reclaimed seatbelts. Due to interest, they’ve extended the deadline for entry to August 23rd.