Your Comments

Your Comments


And we’re back with our thirty-sixth installment of Your Comments. Here are our favorites from the past week, from Makezine, our Facebook page, and Twitter.

In response to CNCed Child’s Climbing Wall, miroslava von schlochbaum says:

do you ever play this game?: “unhmh…just given that photo i can guess what sort of comments there are. i guess at least …3 are related to the kid’s safety no-helmet status. ok… show me 3 safety comments!” [click] hm, hard to score, but i think i underestimated.

In the piece The Mystery and Joys of Strange Crates in the Mail, SPENCER remarks:

I need a job where I get to make things like this and send them out as buzz marketing.

In response to NEWS FROM THE FUTURE: Assault for wearing Digital Eye Glass?, user Tommy Phillips says:

If you read the link, there is a reference to at least one other foreign visitor to that Paris McD’s being accosted, for trying to take a picture of the menu. In that case, though, the camera wasn’t bolted to her head.

I would be careful of generalizing to all of Paris, all of France, or all of McDonalds, but you won’t find me in that McDonald’s in Paris.

Of course, you won’t find me in any McDonald’s anywhere.

Still, Dr. Mann may have just been overloaded by Frenchiness and looking for a little reminder of America.

In the piece Tool Review: Schröder 9″ Hand Drill, KC8RWR says:

If you are in to RF projects at all those little eggbeater hand drills are great for making trifiliar wire for transformers. (Winding multiple pieces of wire together very tightly) Clamp one end of your wires in a vice. Put a bent nail in the drill in place of the bit. wrap the other end a few times around the nail. Now start turning the ‘egg beater’ and you can control your windings very easily. Used that way I suppose it could be good for jewelry too.

I picked one up at a flea market to use for this. It’s probably more likely to be your grandfather’s than to be the one you just reviewed but it works great!

In the article 15-Year-Old Maker Astronomically Improves Pancreatic Cancer Test, user C. Lee Smith writes:

You GO Jack! There will always be naysayers – most of them jealous because they didn’t think of it or too insecure to believe in someone who doesn’t know what they can’t do. (I placed 4th in my category at the 1984 ISEF)

Like these comments? Be sure to sound off in the comments! You could be in next week’s column.

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In addition to being an online editor for MAKE Magazine, Michael Colombo works in fabrication, electronics, sound design, music production and performance (Yes. All that.) In the past he has also been a childrens' educator and entertainer, and holds a Masters degree from NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program.

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