Your Comments

Your Comments


And we’re back with our forty-fifth installment of Your Comments. Here are our favorites from the past week, from Makezine, our Facebook page, and Twitter.

In response to Maker Faire New York: Lumiphonic Creature Choir, John says:

Reminds me of the interactive Nodes in the Library on Dr Who’s episode “Silence in the Library”…..”Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved”

In the piece And the Winner of the 2012 Makey…, J remarks:

Where can we get more information about your LED mohawk?

In response to Bre Pettis @OHS: “Challenges of Open Source Consumer Products”, user Layer_Pilot says:

People have to stop thinking about Open Source as if it was an end game. It is just a tool. Like any tool it is useful was applied to the right job. Applying fundamentalist religious thinking to Open Source is just silly. RepRap is a beautiful thing but all of those new Open Source 3D printers at Maker Faire? They are not likely to survive as businesses. Perhaps a couple will as niche products, but if any manage to succeed, they will face the same challenges as Makerbot.

The answer is to evolve the notion of what sharing is and not be so radical in our thinking. What good is it if Makerbot stuck to fundamentalist Open Source dogma but was out of business in 18 months? The community needs to work together to help figure out these new models.

Interesting that those Smart kids from MIT who just launched FormLabs are closed and even used closed material – what are they teaching them at MIT? Hah.

In the piece Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Mayor Bloomberg’s “Maker Week” Proclamation, Gary Donahue says:

Excellent! One more reason to love NYC.

In the article Electri-City Tables Built With Old Computer Hardware, user AmeyRing writes:

Awesome! And if you have a spouse who’s not too fascinated by it (as my wife is), you can put a tablecloth over it when you don’t have guests over

Like these comments? Be sure to sound off in the comments! You could be in next week’s column.

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In addition to being an online editor for MAKE Magazine, Michael Colombo works in fabrication, electronics, sound design, music production and performance (Yes. All that.) In the past he has also been a childrens' educator and entertainer, and holds a Masters degree from NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program.

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