The eleventh edition of Maker Faire Rome, taking place from the 20th to the 22nd of October. Get ready for an extraordinary lineup of innovations as we return to the renowned Fiera di Roma, offering unparalleled comfort for exhibitors and attendees alike. When in Rome…MAKE! Maker Faire Rome 2023 Call For Makers is open until June 15th! Dedicated to all those who have a brilliant idea in mind that they would like to present to the Event’s visitors and attendees. Apply here: https://makerfairerome.eu/en/call-for-makers-en/
Participation in the Call for Makers 2023 is for everyone! Given that Maker Faire Rome is preceded and followed by a series of events and initiatives that span beyond the three-day event, the detailed programming of these activities could take place online on dates other than those scheduled for the exhibition event. A physical and/or virtual space or a physical and/or virtual stage will be provided, free of charge, so that you can deliver your own creative, technological, robotic or musical performance. Performances can also be held as webinars to enable their enjoyment and dissemination among the public, also for those attending remotely.
On 19 and 20 October 2023, 0100 Conference Mediterranean Rome is the venue for a two-day event dedicated to private equity and venture capital. Makers, startups and companies exhibiting at this year’s Maker Faire Rome will have the opportunity to meet the delegates attending the conference, present their projects and plans for growth and build relations with investors. Five of the companies exhibiting at Maker Faire in Rome will be selected by a jury, to pitch to a qualified audience of international funds. Participating entrepreneurs, makers, and innovators at Maker faire Rome will also have the opportunity to be one of five companies selected by a jury to present at the 0100 Mediterranean Conference which brings together the best PE & VC firms on the global scene.
Zero One Hundred Conferences, a leading organizer of exclusive events that bring together the best PE & VC firms on the global scene, has hosted over 9,500 delegates over the last 7 years, including at least 4,600 investors. More than 1,200 speakers have taken to the stage in various cities including Amsterdam, Berlin, Luxembourg, Dublin, Copenhagen, Vienna, Prague, Tallinn, Limassol and Bratislava, to address carefully-selected audiences ranging between 200 and 700 c-levels. Learn more: https://makerfairerome.eu/en/0100-conference-mediterranean-to-attract-to-rome-investors/