Call for creative reuse ideas

Energy & Sustainability
Call for creative reuse ideas

Image and article via Treehugger

Here’s a call for trash to treasure ideas:

We are seeking submissions for 1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse, an upcoming book by Garth Johnson of, which will feature 21st Century craft and design, all made with recycled, upcycled, repurposed and reused items. We are looking for the best examples of paper and book arts, jewelry, clothing, home and personal accessories, furniture, art, and miscellanea for possible publication. We invite designers, artists, visionaries and crafters of all stripes to submit their work.

More info here. Doesn’t look like you get anything other than pride of publication for your entry, but still worth checking out!

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Luke Iseman

Luke Iseman makes stuff, some of which works. He invites you to drive a bike for a living (, stop killing your garden (, and live in an off-grid shipping container (

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