Wendy Tremayne has graced the pages of CRAFT magazine since Volume 02 with her column Re: Fitted, exploring a different instance of creative reuse or green art in each installment. In Volume 03, she showed us how to use nature’s bounty to create natural boundaries, like this fence:
And in Volume 06, she introduced us to Andrew Martinez’ clever conversion of an old Coleman camp stove to a crafty medicine cabinet:
We caught up with Wendy, who is currently renovating an RV park into a 100% reuse, off-grid B&B in Truth or Consequences, N.M. When I asked her what she’s been creating lately, and this is what she wrote:
“It’s planting time in New Mexico and I grow a good percentage of my food so it’s really been a week of garden stuff. Here’s what I did this week:
Built 4 garden beds: approximately 4×10 made out of scrap wood:”
“Built a wind and shade fence out of found salt cedar and cattle guard to protect new incoming blueberry bushes.
Made gates for a fence out of found metal frames that I filled with chicken wire and then ran salt cedar through the wire.
Also made some fencing to keep my new dog in the yard. Regarding the dog: I adopted a dog who was born in a shelter and has been there for three years! Awwwww. [Sesame is in the picture at the top of the post with Wendy.]
Planted: 2 types of bamboo, 10 asparagus roots, 40 strawberries, 2 blueberry bushes, 2 olive trees, an evergreen, and started seedlings of corn, bean, peas, poppies, sunflowers, squash, pumpkin, and chard.”
“I re-plumbed my water spickets because they were all leaking.”
“I welded a bunch of supports, which will be the bathroom of a dome I’m building. The dome will be a guest house made of ferro-cement with a papercrete infill. It’ll be 350 square feet.”
“I learned how to use my new sling shot.”
“And I learned how to make homemade pasta from scratch. Yummmmm!
Though this may sound insane, this has been a pretty typical week. Whew, I’m so tired just thinking about it!”
Thanks, Wendy! Did we mention that Wendy is also the founder of the famous Swap-O-Rama-Rama?! Keep up with Wendy on her site, gaiatreehouse.com, and on the blog for Holy Scrap Hot Springs.
And pick up all the fabulous back issues of CRAFT at the Maker Shed!