Jonathan Johns, a coworker of ours over at O’Reilly Media and a frequent volunteer at Maker events, sent us a great little maker story that we think everyone will enjoy.
My son, Christian, and his two roommates were on spring break in Arizona. As they were climbing up and around the hills, Christian’s cargo shorts tore out at the knee, and at the pockets. They all proceeded to put their heads together and decided to fix them up.
Using a multi-tool and some Agave, they stitched up the shorts and pocket, and solved the problem. This may or may not be Makezine’s cup of tea, but in my circle of friends, it was pretty exciting to see 19- and 20-year-olds having a MacGyver moment.
Thanks, for sharing the story, Jon. It’s great to hear about inspiration when faced with adversity of any kind, at any age!