Photo of the Steel Yard from Makeshift
This just in from Steve Daniels, who among many other things, was one of the people who launched the RI Mini Maker Faire back in 2009. Check out what he’s up to now:
The editors of Makeshift noticed that production, more than at any point in the last century, is occurring at the grassroots. In different cultures it goes by different names: DIY in the US, jugaad in India, jua kali in East Africa, and gambiarra in Brazil. Makeshift seeks to unify these cultures into a global identity.
Each quarterly issue of Makeshift will form an engaging and in-depth snapshot on a particular branch of informal creativity. The website will feature complementary media, including videos and blogs. It’s a hi-fi representation of a lo-fi movement.
It’s not too late to get in on Makeshift’s Kickstarter project, either, and they’ve got some great awards for backers to choose from: Makeshift Magazine on Kickstarter.