Todd writes –
The following information may be of interest to Artists, Architects, Aviation Buffs, Crafty Types, Flight Sim Geeks, Readers of Make magazine, Survivalists, and/or Very Wealthy People with a Taste for Ostentation: Have you ever dreamed of purchasing your very own Boeing 747? Mojave_7472 If so, now is the time to talk with your finance people and get all your ducks in a row. During the next two to five years, the price of used Boeing 747s may fall to historic lows as the global supply of dead 747s climbs to unprecedented highs. The in-service arrival of next-generation widebody aircraft such as the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747-8 means that several hundred of today’s oldest 747s — mostly 747-200 models built during the 1970s that are currently used as air freighters — will soon be headed out to pasture.
Telstar Logistics: Psssst! Who Wants to Buy a Used Boeing 747, CHEAP? – [via] Link.
Ok Makers, we can’t buy a jet (yet) but post up in the comments on what *you* would do with a used Boeing 747 and I’ll pick a good one at the end of the day (11:59 PM PDT). The winner will get a MAKE Pocket Ref.
What’s a Pocket Ref? All the reference information anyone needs on virtually any subject is right at the fingertips in this handy pocket-sized guide. Its tables, charts, drawings, lists, and formulas will be especially useful for contractors, students, travelers, electronics hobbyists, craftspeople, and engineers and technicians in virtually every field.- Link & get it at the Maker store.
Go Go Go!