Wow, talk about open source hardware! We’ll see if we can stock a kit in the Maker store! –
The “brains” of the Ares I rocket that will send four astronauts back to the moon sometime in the next 12 years will be built by Boeing, NASA announced today—but the specifications will be open-source and non-proprietary, so that other companies can bid on future contracts. The avionics unit will provide guidance, navigation and control for the launch rocket, which will carry the Orion crew vehicle into Earth orbit.
“The combined Ares I and Orion will replace the Space Shuttle and become the workhorse that takes astronauts into space for journeys to the Space Station, the Moon and Mars,†said Doug Cooke, a official with NASA’s Exploration Systems division. The Shuttle is currently slated for retirement in 2010.
NASA Ares I Moon rocket – open source hardware – [via] Link.
What is open source hardware? – Link.
Open source hardware @ MAKE – Link.
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