DIY planetarium projectors & museum - Make: DIY planetarium projectors & museum - Make:

DIY planetarium projectors & museum

DIY planetarium projectors & museum


Planetarium makers do awesome work, even building “home-domes” for exhibition –

The Home Planetarium Association welcomes all those who build small planetariums for home, school, museum, or other personal use. A quarterly newsletter is produced; This includes collecting toy planetaria, operating older or small professional units, or just fondly remembering childhood trips to planetariums around the world. The stars await, always…

Home Planetarium Association


The Planetarium Projector & Space Museum gallery page is home to some truly elegant apparatus. The organization collects old and unused projectors and preserves them for historic display – beautiful devices!
Planetarium Projector & Space Museum


Planetarium projectors

In the Maker store:

Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders

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